Thursday, March 10, 2016

Week 1 Results are In!

What a fantastic first "week (March 4-6) of reading! It was very exciting to see the reading logs come in and all the wonderful minutes read by the students.  A special thanks to Jen Stanley and John McNerney for helping with the tallying.  A reminder that if your student forgot their log on Monday, if they bring it in this coming Monday, March 14th, their minutes from Week 1 still count!  We will back log their minutes.  

Also, the first time students bring in their reading log, they will receive a coupon for a free cone at Ben & Jerry's.  Each student will get only one coupon on their first time turning in the log, whether their first time was this past week or if their "first time" is in a week ahead. We are grateful to Ben & Jerry's for donating these passes to Monkton Central students!   

We are happy to announce the average total minutes/students in each classroom and the top reader in each grade:

Average Total Minutes/Students in Each Classroom - Week 1
Ms. Leggett - 55 minutes
Ms. Carter - 54 minutes
Ms. Livingston - 28 minutes
Ms. Way - 49 minutes
Ms. Foley - 115 minutes
Ms. McLane - 28 minutes
Ms. Gagner - 55 minutes
Ms. Pierpont - 92 minutes

Ms. Primo - 66 minutes

Highest rate of participation was Ms. Foley’s classroom at 83% and they are the top classroom for Week 1.

School-wide Total Minutes - 10,521 minutes!
School-wide Average Total Minutes Read - 60 minutes

Top Reader in Each Grade - Week 1
Kindergarten - Sophie Underwood
1st Grade - Madelynn Waggoner
2nd Grade - Isla Underwood
3rd Grade - Whitney Dykstra
4th Grade - Ian Funke
5th Grade - Owen Kelliher
6th Grade - Kassidy Jay
Teacher/Staff - Ms. Gagner

A reminder that Rock and Read is happening this week giving students an opportunity to spend time reading while in a rocking chair that will be in classrooms this week.

We also wanted to share with you a photo of Rocket who made an appearance at the Read-a-thon Kick-off and was seen in the halls yesterday morning encouraging kids to launch into reading!  They had fun trying to guess Rocket's identity.  Let's keep on reading!

 "Rocket" makes an appearance reading a book at the Kick-off!

Our graph outside the library of average minutes read by classrooms for Week 1.  Watch as each class's rocket launch upwards as the average minutes read go up each week!

Here are some books that students are excited to read during the Read-a-thon!

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